I probably guessing you don't live in the United Sates. But I can help you half way. What I mean is I can give you some good tv programs over here and what channel they are on, but your going have to have to convert them to your tv station.
ok.. Let's start
1. Rookie Blue-Action, Romance, Cop show- Channel 7/Thursdays at 9/Cable Vison
2. SuperNatural-Action, Thriller, Deals with demons, monsters, witches, eveything that's super natural-Channel 11/Fridays at 9/Cable Vision
3.Smallville: Action, romance, Thriller, Fantasy, Superhero type stuff- Channel 11/Fridays at 8pm/Cable Vison
4.Degrassi- romance, mild action, teen related issues- Channel 124/Everyday at nite maybe 9-10 or 10-11/cable vison
5. Life Unexpected- romance, no action, typical drama- Channel 11 Tuesdays at 9/Cable vison
6. One tree hill- Romance, action, typical dram- Channel 11/Tusdays/8pm/cable vision
That's it. I hope you can convert them into your Tv station. If I mispelled some shows you can correct them on your local search operator. Gud luck!