I've always been a Dean girl. Now that Castiel's in the picture, though, I've fully become a CasGirl. It wasn't when he was first introduced (although that was awesome) but when I discovered Misha's Twitter and became a minion. Lol it's really rare when an actor makes you love the character more than you already do, and that's what he did for me. When he came in and whooped some Angel ***, I don't think I blinked ONCE.
Lol here's some Misha twitter for you:
"Tiny tithings have made it tough to twit as I’ve been forced 2 take a 2nd job delivering mulberries in the forest. http://twitpic.com/h1f63
What?!! We're at war with Puff Daddy now? That's fantastic. All we've needed all along is a common enemy to unite us!
Mr. Twitter should be ashamed of himself for caving to God (and his crony P. Diddy).
I'm throwin' down the gauntlet: P. Diddy, if you're out there & you're man enough, i challenge u to an cupcake eating contest-on horseback!
Minions: I'm not sure how these things work, but if we get #PDIDDYISSCAREDOFHISTV to be a twit trend, that'd be our first tactical victory.
Okay. I'm off to the equestrian center for riding lessons. Someone please contact Mr. Diddy's dealer so we can set up the showdown."
Haha the P.Diddy stuff was because on the day of the premiere (yesterday) all the Supernatural fans made #LuciferisComing a trending topic referring to Supernatural and then religious people who don't know about the show protested that, and so did P. Diddy, so Twitter removed all the posts with that topic in them.
Isn't that awesome?
But my favorite Dean one-liner from the premiere was this:
"Cram it with walnuts, ugly!"