I was a huge Lostie too. A new show I really like that does have Lost ties is Once Upon A Time, I find it intresting and am attached to the major characters.
Two of the Lost writers (Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis) that were there for all 6 seasons are now the main writers on the new show Once Upon a Time. It's similar to Lost in that half the episode shows a character's past in fairytale world, and half it shows them now in our world, stuck in Storybrooke. It has a lot of small nods to Lost, the time 8:15 in the first episode and the finale also made it a Lost reference and also Once Upon a Time's own unique part of a cliffhanger. An Oceanic plane, Geronimo Jackson, etc. The nods are there if you know where to look but nothing too big, so that you won't miss anything if you don't know Lost.
And just watching it you can see the two shows share some things in the way they're told, even though they are totally different topics. It's not on Lost level yet, but for a show with only one Season so far, it's really good and could get to that level if handled properly in a few seasons.
For the most part in keeps true to the fairytales we already know, but the cool part is Once Upon a Time shows us we only know parts of the "real" story of the characters. The ways they alter the characters stories in fairytale world from what we know is nice to see play out, but so is the way they show them transferred into our world with all their strongest qualities taken away, but we can still tell deep down they are the same person.
Look up the characters of Belle and King George to see some familar faces. Belle was added to the main cast for Season 2. Jorge Garcia was recently cast for one episode as The Giant from Jack & The Beanstalk but they may use him again.
Basic start of the plot:
It starts off with the typical Snow White ending, Prince Charming's kiss wakes her up and they go have a wedding. But there is an uninvited guest, the Evil Queen is still alive. She promises to destroy the happiness of everyone in the Enchanted Forest.
Rumpelstiltskin makes a deal and tells the EQ how to activate a dark curse, but warns her if she does she'll always be empty inside. She activates it anyway, a year after the wedding by killing the one person she still loves, her father Henry. Rumpelstiltskin also warns Snow and Charming of the curse, and it can only be broken by their daughter starting on her 28th birthday. The curse hits the same day Snow gives birth, Charming sends their baby girl Emma magically away and is wounded by the EQ's knights. The EQ laughs at Snow and an unconscious Charming, saying they're about to go somewhere horrible, and it's her happy ending.
Our world: On her 28th birthday Emma Swan is shocked to find the boy she gave up for adoption 10 years ago has found her, his name is Henry. He's lives in Storybrooke Maine, a small town where he claims everyone there is a fairytale character from his book. The woman that adopted him is Mayor Regina Mills, who he says is the Evil Queen who activated a curse and stole the happy endings form everyone and only Emma can fix it all.
Henry tells her nobody can leave the town, and have been trapped there, ageless, for 28 years with screwed up memories, having no idea they're really fairytale characters. And everyone is miserable deep down but don't know why. Emma decides to stay after realizing Henry needs her help. (She thinks he's a troubled kid because of Regina, and wants him to work through his "fantasies"). She becomes close friends with his teacher, Mary Margret. (Snow White).
Each episode focuses on one sometimes two characters in Storybrooke, while showing their fairytale lives in flashbacks. Other than Snow White's story, there is Rumplestitlskin, Jimmny Cricket, Red Riding Hood, Hansel & Gretel, Belle, and Cinderella to name a few. They all tie to Snow/Charming/Emma/Evil Queen/Rumplestiltskin somehow. Their is also more plans to bring in different fairytales as the show goes on. Most of the stories are told in a new way, like the Genie and the Queen's Magic Mirror are the same person. There are many kingdoms, it's not clear how far the curse reached, for instance Wonderland was shown, but as somewhere farther away from the main fairytales.
I like it a lot, it's pretty good, especially for a show with just one season so far. Season 1 has 22 episodes. The finale seemed to be a real game-changer, it was awesome. Season 2 started September 30th and has been good so far.