I think, tonight's episode was so rocking, that I almost fell off my chair!
I totally loved the way Lucy-Bonnie bonded at the end, and the way they trusted each other by their witchy senses- and together weakened Katherine. And at the time when Lucy said she was going to change because she was inspired by Bonnie's lifestyle...So amazing!
Then, I was actually impressed by Katherine's idea of linking her and Elena's bodies. That even meant, that somewhere she knew that Damon and Stefan will try to hurt her-physically.
But then I was feeling very sorry when Elena was in excruciating agony.. And because of that wicked Katherine Damon and Stefan couldn't harm her and were helpless till the time the spell was 'de-casted'.
I cried when Elena refused to patch up. But, its okay- because I know it won't be long until Stefan-Elena get back together. They love each other beyond words. ♥ And Elena has her reason, she know being in love with a vampire- means inviting trouble. She just wants to make sure that her loved-ones are safe.
I kept my fingers crossed when Damon was locking the tomb's door- I thought he'd be lured by her words and set her free. Loved Damon today- for his stupendous self-control, jaw-dropping acting; and breath-taking looks! HAWT- is all I can say! ;)
I hope Jeremy-Bonnie start dating- I think they are really a cute pair. Like, made for each other!
I think the Elena's kidnapper is a part of Katherine's Plan B (because her Plan A failed. And she even told Damon that she had 'A-Z' back-up plans." She even said, "I didn't kill Elena yet. She is in danger."
Thats the link for the next episode (Episode 8- Rose). If you watch closely, the kidnappers are two vampires- one male, one female. My guess is, that they work for Katherine.
I think Matt is safe now, but Tyler has got suspicious of Caroline's super-abilities.
I really like it when- Stefan, Damon, Alaric, Jeremy, Bonnie and Elena- make plans to fight together.
And I hate it when I have to wait for '1 WEEK' before I can collapse from my chair again! :P
Hope that helped! :)
Keep rocking VD fan! ♥
By the way, nice question- so I give you a star* !